-- THIS IS NOT THE SAME AS THE DEPLOYED M:Aksabun!!!!! It is a WIP too. -- This is an attempt to implement the new sabun system for Arknights, which -- requires reconstitution of the main image and the face delta. -- Crappy code originally by One-Six(U:公的驅逐艦), released under CC BY 4.0. -- Gotta Praise the Crocc. local getArgs = require('Module:Arguments').getArgs --local getData = require('Module:Aksabun/data').getData local getData = function() return nil end -- dummy getData for testing local p = {} local wrapperArray = { 'Template:Aksabun', 'Template:沙盒' } local function isEmpty( s ) return (s == nil or s == '') end local function getArgFromAlias ( args, argsAliasArray ) for i = 1, #argsAliasArray do if ( args[argsAliasArray[i]] ~= nil ) then return args[argsAliasArray[i]] end end return nil end local function arrayFromCSV ( s, sep ) if s == nil then return {} end local t = {} for w in (s:gsub("%"..(sep or ',').."?%s*$",(sep or ','))):gmatch("([^%"..(sep or ',').."]*)%"..(sep or ',').."%s*") do t[#t+1] = w end return t end local function compactArray ( a ) local j=0 for i=1,#a do if a[i]~=nil then j=j+1 a[j]=a[i] end end for i=j+1,#a do a[i]=nil end return a end local function tableInvert( t ) local s= {} for k,v in ipairs(t) do s[v]=k end return s end -- manual data gathering for testing function getDataFromArgs ( args, sabunType, sabunCode ) local data = { isDelta = (string.lower(args["is-delta"] or '') == 'true'), lastNum = tonumber(args["last-num"]) or 1, separator = args.separator or '_', charpopX = tonumber(args["charpop-x"]) or 0, charpopY = tonumber(args["charpop-y"]) or 0, deltaX = tonumber(args["delta-x"]) or 0, deltaY = tonumber(args["delta-y"]) or 0, deltaW = tonumber(args["delta-w"]) or .1, deltaH = tonumber(args["delta-h"]) or nil } data.basename = ((not data.isDelta) and "Ak_" or '') .. sabunType .. "_" .. sabunCode return data end function genDeltaSabun ( frame, data, sabun, size ) return '<div style="position:relative;width:'..size..'px;height:'..size..'px;">' .. '<div style="display:none;">[[File:'..data.basename..'.png]]</div><div style="display:none;">[[File:'..data.basename..'.png]]</div>' .. '<img style="position:absolute;top:0;left:0;width:'..size..'px;height:'..size..'px;z-index:0;" ' .. 'src="'..frame:callParserFunction( 'filepath', data.basename..'.png' )..'" / >' .. '<img style="position:absolute;top:'..data.deltaY*size..'px;left:'..data.deltaX*size..'px;width:'..data.deltaW*size..'px;height:'..(data.deltaH or data.deltaW)*size..'px;z-index:1;" ' .. 'src="'..frame:callParserFunction( 'filepath', data.basename..'@'..sabun..'.png' )..'" / >' .. '</div>' end -- EXPOSED METHODS -- single formatted sabun division for pseudo-img uses, like in T:Akcharpop function p.single ( frame ) local args = getArgs ( frame, { wrappers = wrapperArray } ) return p._single ( frame, args ) end function p._single ( frame, args ) local sabunType = string.lower ( getArgFromAlias ( args, { "sabun-type", "差分類型", "1", 1 } ) ) -- 'npc' shorthand is no longer allowed since there are potentially 'npc' sabun types local sabunCode = getArgFromAlias ( args, { "sabun-code", "差分代號", "2", 2 } ) local sabun = getArgFromAlias ( args, { "sabun", "差分", "3", 3 } ) local data = args.data or getData ( sabunType, sabunCode ) or getDataFromArgs ( args, sabunType, sabunCode ) local size = tonumber ( args.size ) or 400 if data.isDelta then return genDeltaSabun ( frame, data, sabun, size ) else return '[[File:'..data.basename..data.separator..sabun..'.png|'..size..'px]]' end end -- formatted sabun table, for use by other modules (mainly M:Akopbasics) -- expect datatable input: size function p._sabunTable ( frame, args ) local t = {} local size = tonumber ( args.size ) or 400 local sabunType = string.lower ( getArgFromAlias ( args, { "sabun-type", "差分類型", "1", 1 } ) ) -- 'npc' shorthand is no longer allowed since there are potentially 'npc' sabun types local sabunCode = getArgFromAlias ( args, { "sabun-code", "差分代號", "2", 2 } ) --local baseFile = frame:callParserFunction( 'filepath', args.basename..'@'..args.sabun..'png', size ) local data = getData ( sabunType, sabunCode ) or getDataFromArgs ( args, sabunType, sabunCode ) local i = 1 for k, v in ipairs(data.sabunList) do local nextFile = frame:callParserFunction( 'filepath', args.basename..'@'..i..'png' ) t[#t+1] = p._single ( frame, { ["sabun-type"] = sabunType, ["sabun-code"] = sabunCode, sabun = v, size = size, data = data } ) end return t end -- formatted sabun tabs, for direct presentation. function p.sabunTabs ( frame ) end function p._sabunTabs ( frame, args ) local sabunTable = p._sabunTable ( frame, args ) local size = tonumber ( getArgFromAlias ( args, { "size" } ) ) or 400 local outputString = '<div class="Tabs black" data-default-tab="1" data-auto-width="yes" style="max-width:calc('..size..'px + 2em);">' for i = 1, #sabunTable do outputString = outputString .. '<div class="Tab"><div class="TabLabelText">差分'..i..'</div><div class="TabContentText">'..sabunTable[i]..'</div></div>' end return outputString .. '</div>' end return p