這裡是《真·女神轉生》大係數據編纂和樣式設計統一模塊 「模塊:Psk」 資料庫。
技能信息 資料庫關鍵字說明
技能 索引英文名稱
技能 標準英文名稱
技能 標準中文(繁體)名稱
技能 標準中文(簡體)名稱
技能 標準日文名稱
技能類型 關鍵字
技能 消耗(x SP 或 x% HP 或 Passive )
技能 效果(官方標準說明優先)
技能類型 關鍵字
技能名稱 渲染樣式 背景色
技能名稱 渲染樣式 前景色
技能類型 圖示
附表 - 技能類型 關鍵字對照
技能類型 關鍵字
strike / bash
rush / havoc
sword / slash
throw / thrown
arrow / bow
pierce / stab
gun / ranged
expel / light
heal / bless
sup / prayer
misc / navi
local skills = {
['Twin Slash'] = {
cost = '18 HP',
effect = '2 light Cut attacks. (1 enemy)',
['Cleave'] = {
cost = '28 HP',
effect = 'A light Cut attack. (1 enemy)',
['Tempest Slash'] = {
cost = '48 HP',
effect = '3 light Cut attacks. (1 enemy)',
['Vorpal Blade'] = {
cost = '94 HP',
effect = 'A heavy Cut attack. (1 enemy)',
['Brutal Slash'] = {
cost = '134 HP',
effect = 'A heavy Cut attack. (1 enemy)',
["Heaven's Blade"] = {
cost = '182 HP',
effect = 'A severe Cut attack. (1 enemy)',
['Mighty Swing'] = {
cost = '56 HP',
effect = 'A medium Cut attack that splashes to either side. (1 enemy)',
['Fatal End'] = {
cost = '76 HP',
effect = 'A heavy Cut attack which takes longer to execute. (1 enemy)',
['Zanshinken'] = {
cost = '98 HP',
effect = 'Medium Cut attack. Hits again if user takes no damage that turn. (1 enemy)',
['Guillotine'] = {
cost = '87 HP',
effect = 'A heavy Cut attack, higher damage if target has ailment. (1 enemy)',
['Blade of Fury'] = {
cost = '126 HP',
effect = 'A heavy Cut attack. (1 row)',
['Gurentou'] = {
cost = '24 HP',
effect = 'A light Cut + Fire attack. (1 enemy)',
['Gokuentou'] = {
cost = '92 HP',
effect = 'A medium Cut + Fire attack. (1 enemy)',
['Hientou'] = {
cost = '135 HP',
effect = 'A heavy Cut + Fire attack. (1 enemy)',
['Frost Edge'] = {
cost = '16 HP',
effect = 'A light Cut + Ice attack. (1 enemy)',
['Glacial Edge'] = {
cost = '38 HP',
effect = 'A light Cut + Ice attack. (1 enemy)',
['Tousatsujin'] = {
cost = '135 HP',
effect = 'A heavy Cut + Ice attack. (1 enemy)',
['Raikouzan'] = {
cost = '24 HP',
effect = 'A light Cut + Elec attack. (1 enemy)',
['Raimeizan'] = {
cost = '92 HP',
effect = 'A medium Cut + Elec attack. (1 enemy)',
['Raijinzan'] = {
cost = '135 HP',
effect = 'A heavy Cut + Elec attack. (1 enemy)',
['Jinpugeki'] = {
cost = '24 HP',
effect = 'A light Cut + Wind attack. (1 enemy)',
['Reppu Strike'] = {
cost = '92 HP',
effect = 'A medium Cut + Wind attack. (1 enemy)',
['Kamikaze Strike'] = {
cost = '135 HP',
effect = 'A heavy Cut + Wind attack. (1 enemy)',
['Flame Link'] = {
cost = '48 HP',
effect = "A light Cut + Fire attack. (1 enemy) [Link damage with allies' attacks]",
['Frost Link'] = {
cost = '48 HP',
effect = "A light Cut + Ice attack. (1 enemy) [Link damage with allies' attacks]",
['Bolt Link'] = {
cost = '48 HP',
effect = "A light Cut + Elec attack. (1 enemy) [Link damage with allies' attacks]",
['Gale Link'] = {
cost = '48 HP',
effect = "A light Cut + Wind attack. (1 enemy) [Link damage with allies' attacks]",
['Stunning Slice'] = {
cost = '10 HP',
effect = 'A light Cut attack, with medium chance of Paralysis. (1 enemy)',
['Toxic Slice'] = {
cost = '10 HP',
effect = 'A light Cut attack, with medium chance of Poison. (1 enemy)',
['Deathbound'] = {
cost = '145 HP',
effect = 'A heavy Cut attack. (All enemies)',
['Hassou Tobi'] = { -- Yoshitsune exclusive
cost = '164 HP',
effect = '8 medium Cut attacks against random targets. (All enemies)',
['Danse Macabre'] = { -- Mahakala exclusive
cost = '176 HP',
effect = '5-7 medium Cut attacks against random targets. (All enemies)',
['Calamity Seed'] = { -- Magatsu-Izanagi exclusvie
cost = '100 SP',
effect = 'Multiple heavy Cut attacks per turn, for 3 turns. (All enemies)',
['Buchikamashi'] = {
cost = '18 HP',
effect = 'A light Bash attack. (1 enemy)',
["God's Hand"] = {
cost = '172 HP',
effect = 'A severe Bash attack. (1 enemy)',
['Heat Wave'] = {
cost = '92 HP',
effect = 'A medium Bash attack that splashes to either side. (1 enemy)',
['Gigantic Fist'] = {
cost = '110 HP',
effect = 'A medium Bash attack that splashes to either side. (1 enemy)',
['Revenge Blow'] = {
cost = '100 HP',
effect = 'A Bash attack delayed to next turn, stronger for each hit taken. (1 enemy)',
['Teardrop'] = {
cost = '16 HP',
effect = "A light Bash attack, greatly lowers target's defense for that turn. (1 enemy)",
['Moondrop'] = {
cost = '92 HP',
effect = "A medium Bash attack, lowers target's defense for that turn. (1 enemy)",
['Stardrop'] = {
cost = '124 HP',
effect = "A heavy Bash attack, lowers target's defense for that turn. (1 enemy)",
['Fang Smash'] = {
cost = '62 HP',
effect = "A medium Bash attack, lowers target's attack for 3 turns. (1 enemy)",
['Kidney Smash'] = {
cost = '62 HP',
effect = 'A medium Bash attack, lowers elemental attack for 3 turns. (1 enemy)',
['Assault Dive'] = {
cost = '48 HP',
effect = 'A medium Bash attack, with medium chance of knockdown. (1 enemy)',
['Sleeper Punch'] = {
cost = '16 HP',
effect = 'A light Bash attack, with medium chance of Sleep. (1 enemy)',
['Sonic Punch'] = {
cost = '82 HP',
effect = 'A medium Bash attack, with medium chance of Sleep. (1 enemy)',
['Brain Shake'] = {
cost = '112 HP',
effect = 'A heavy Bash attack, with medium chance of Sleep. (1 enemy)',
['Skull Cracker'] = {
cost = '42 HP',
effect = 'A light Bash attack, with medium chance of Magic Bind. (1 enemy)',
['Holy Touch'] = {
cost = '88 HP',
effect = 'A heavy Bash attack. (1 enemy)',
['Fusion Blast'] = {
cost = '12 HP',
effect = 'A light Bash + Fire attack. (1 enemy)',
['Scorching Blast'] = {
cost = '54 HP',
effect = 'A medium Bash + Fire attack. (1 enemy)',
['Nuclear Blast'] = {
cost = '102 HP',
effect = 'A heavy Bash + Fire attack. (1 enemy)',
['Bolt Strike'] = {
cost = '12 HP',
effect = 'A light Bash + Elec attack. (1 enemy)',
['Lightning Smash'] = {
cost = '102 HP',
effect = 'A medium Bash + Elec attack. (1 enemy)',
['Thunder Smash'] = {
cost = '158 HP',
effect = 'A heavy Bash + Elec attack. (1 enemy)',
['Light Wave'] = { -- Asura exclusive
cost = '186 HP',
effect = 'A severe Bash attack. (1 enemy)',
['Angelic Trumpet'] = { -- Trumpeter exclusive
cost = '160 HP',
effect = '3 heavy Bash attacks against random targets. (All enemies)',
['Double Shot'] = {
cost = '12 HP',
effect = '2 light Stab attacks. (1 enemy)',
['Broadshot'] = {
cost = '24 HP',
effect = 'A light Stab attack. (1 row)',
['End Shot'] = {
cost = '138 HP',
effect = 'A heavy Stab attack which takes longer to execute. (1 enemy)',
['Primal Force'] = {
cost = '178 HP',
effect = "A heavy Stab attack, ignoring target's resistances and buffs. (1 enemy)",
['Single Shot'] = {
cost = '14 HP',
effect = 'A light Stab attack that pierces to the back row. (1 enemy)',
['Assault Shot'] = {
cost = '56 HP',
effect = 'A medium Stab attack that pierces to the back row. (1 enemy)',
['Heavy Shot'] = {
cost = '98 HP',
effect = 'A heavy Stab attack that pierces to the back row. (1 enemy)',
['Silent Thrust'] = {
cost = '164 HP',
effect = 'A heavy Stab attack that pierces to the back row. (1 enemy)',
['Swift Strike'] = {
cost = '58 HP',
effect = '3 quick, medium Stab attacks against random targets. (1 row)',
['Arrow Rain'] = {
cost = '64 HP',
effect = 'A light Stab attack. (All enemies)',
['Hailstorm'] = {
cost = '84 HP',
effect = 'A medium Stab attack. (All enemies)',
['Aeon Rain'] = {
cost = '124 HP',
effect = 'A medium Stab attack. (All enemies)',
['Myriad Arrows'] = {
cost = '130 HP',
effect = '6-8 light Stab attacks at random, with low accuracy. (All enemies)',
['Photon Edge'] = {
cost = '154 HP',
effect = 'A heavy Almighty attack. (1 enemy)',
['Shinkuuha'] = {
cost = '82 HP',
effect = '2 medium Almighty attacks. (1 enemy)',
['Resseiha'] = {
cost = '62 HP',
effect = '1-5 medium Almighty attacks against random targets. (All enemies)',
['Shadow Run'] = {
cost = '147 HP',
effect = 'A heavy Almighty attack. (All enemies)',
["World's End"] = { -- Lucifer exclusive
cost = '188 HP',
effect = 'A severe Almighty attack. (All enemies)',
['Prana'] = { -- Ardha exclusive
cost = '188 HP',
effect = 'A severe Almighty attack. (All enemies)',
['Pralaya'] = { -- Shiva exclusive
cost = '198 HP',
effect = 'A severe Almighty attack, with medium chance of instant kill. (All enemies)',
['Agi'] = {
cost = '8 SP',
effect = 'A light Fire attack. (1 enemy)',
['Agilao'] = {
cost = '28 SP',
effect = 'A medium Fire attack. (1 enemy)',
['Agidyne'] = {
cost = '46 SP',
effect = 'A heavy Fire attack. (1 enemy)',
['Maragi'] = {
cost = '14 SP',
effect = 'A light Fire attack. (All enemies)',
['Maragion'] = {
cost = '36 SP',
effect = 'A medium Fire attack. (All enemies)',
['Maragidyne'] = {
cost = '64 SP',
effect = 'A heavy Fire attack. (All enemies)',
['Ragnarok'] = { -- Surt exclusive
cost = '84 SP',
effect = 'A severe Fire attack. (1 enemy)',
['Bufu'] = {
cost = '8 SP',
effect = 'A light Ice attack. (1 enemy)',
['Bufula'] = {
cost = '28 SP',
effect = 'A medium Ice attack. (1 enemy)',
['Bufudyne'] = {
cost = '46 SP',
effect = 'A heavy Ice attack. (1 enemy)',
['Mabufu'] = {
cost = '14 SP',
effect = 'A light Ice attack. (All enemies)',
['Mabufula'] = {
cost = '36 SP',
effect = 'A medium Ice attack. (All enemies)',
['Mabufudyne'] = {
cost = '64 SP',
effect = 'A heavy Ice attack. (All enemies)',
['Icy Paradise'] = { -- Black Frost exclusive
cost = '58 SP',
effect = '2-4 medium Ice attacks against random targets. (All enemies)',
['Niflheim'] = { -- Loki exclusive
cost = '84 SP',
effect = 'A severe Ice attack. (1 enemy)',
['Zio'] = {
cost = '8 SP',
effect = 'A light Elec attack. (1 enemy)',
['Zionga'] = {
cost = '28 SP',
effect = 'A medium Elec attack. (1 enemy)',
['Ziodyne'] = {
cost = '46 SP',
effect = 'A heavy Elec attack. (1 enemy)',
['Mazio'] = {
cost = '14 SP',
effect = 'A light Elec attack. (All enemies)',
['Mazionga'] = {
cost = '36 SP',
effect = 'A medium Elec attack. (All enemies)',
['Maziodyne'] = {
cost = '64 SP',
effect = 'A heavy Elec attack. (All enemies)',
['Thunder Reign'] = { -- Thor exclusive
cost = '80 SP',
effect = 'A severe Elec attack. (1 enemy)',
['Keraunos'] = { -- Zeus exclusive
cost = '96 SP',
effect = '6 Heavy Elec attacks against random targets. (All enemies)',
['Garu'] = {
cost = '8 SP',
effect = 'A light Wind attack. (1 enemy)',
['Garula'] = {
cost = '28 SP',
effect = 'A medium Wind attack. (1 enemy)',
['Garudyne'] = {
cost = '46 SP',
effect = 'A heavy Wind attack. (1 enemy)',
['Magaru'] = {
cost = '14 SP',
effect = 'A light Wind attack. (All enemies)',
['Magarula'] = {
cost = '36 SP',
effect = 'A medium Wind attack. (All enemies)',
['Magarudyne'] = {
cost = '64 SP',
effect = 'A heavy Wind attack. (All enemies)',
['Panta Rhei'] = { -- Odin exclusive
cost = '88 SP',
effect = 'A severe Wind attack that splashes to either side. (1 enemy)',
['Hama'] = {
cost = '12 SP',
effect = 'Slight chance of instant kill. (1 enemy) [Light-based attack]',
['Hamaon'] = {
cost = '24 SP',
effect = 'Medium chance of instant kill. (1 enemy) [Light-based attack]',
['Mahama'] = {
cost = '18 SP',
effect = 'Slight chance of instant kill. (All enemies) [Light-based attack]',
['Mahamaon'] = {
cost = '32 SP',
effect = 'Medium chance of instant kill. (All enemies) [Light-based attack]',
['Samsara'] = { -- Daisoujou exclusive
cost = '85 SP',
effect = 'High chance of instant kill. (All Enemies) [Light-based attack]',
['Mudo'] = {
cost = '12 SP',
effect = 'Slight chance of instant kill. (1 enemy) [Darkness-based attack]',
['Mudoon'] = {
cost = '24 SP',
effect = 'Medium chance of instant kill. (1 enemy) [Darkness-based attack]',
['Mamudo'] = {
cost = '18 SP',
effect = 'Slight chance of instant kill. (All enemies) [Darkness-based attack]',
['Mamudoon'] = {
cost = '32 SP',
effect = 'Medium chance of instant kill. (All enemies) [Darkness-based attack]',
['Die for Me!'] = { -- Alice exclusive
cost = '85 SP',
effect = 'High chance of instant kill. (All Enemies) [Darkness-based attack]',
['Summon Ghost'] = {
cost = '58 SP',
effect = 'A medium Almighty attack. (All enemies) [Requires Circles]',
['Summon Demon'] = {
cost = '72 SP',
effect = 'A heavy Almighty attack. (All enemies) [Requires Circles]',
['Megido'] = {
cost = '54 SP',
effect = 'A medium Almighty attack, with medium chance of knockdown. (All enemies)',
['Megidola'] = {
cost = '68 SP',
effect = 'A heavy Almighty attack, with medium chance of knockdown. (All enemies) ',
['Megidolaon'] = {
cost = '82 SP',
effect = 'A severe Almighty attack, with medium chance of knockdown. (All enemies) ',
['Black Viper'] = { -- Satan exclusive
cost = '99 SP',
effect = 'A severe Almighty attack. (1 enemy)',
['Morning Star'] = { -- Helel exclusive
cost = '99 SP',
effect = 'A severe Almighty attack. (All enemies)',
['Door of Hades'] = { -- Thanatos exclusive
cost = '78 SP',
effect = '3 heavy Almighty attacks, 1 per turn. High chance of instant kill. (All Enemies)',
['Pulinpa'] = {
cost = '6 SP',
effect = 'Medium chance of Panic. (1 enemy)',
['Dormina'] = {
cost = '8 SP',
effect = 'Medium chance of Sleep. (1 enemy)',
['Poisma'] = {
cost = '8 SP',
effect = 'Medium chance of Poison. (1 enemy)',
['Evil Touch'] = {
cost = '8 SP',
effect = 'Medium chance of Curse. (1 enemy)',
['Tentarafoo'] = {
cost = '12 SP',
effect = 'Medium chance of Panic. (All enemies)',
['Lullaby Song'] = {
cost = '12 SP',
effect = 'Medium chance of Sleep. (All enemies)',
['Binding Cry'] = {
cost = '12 SP',
effect = 'Medium chance of Paralysis. (All enemies)',
['Poison Breath'] = {
cost = '12 SP',
effect = 'Medium chance of Poison. (All enemies)',
['Evil Smile'] = {
cost = '12 SP',
effect = 'Medium chance of Curse. (All enemies)',
['Makajam'] = {
cost = '8 SP',
effect = 'Medium chance of Magic Bind. (1 enemy)',
['Disarm'] = {
cost = '8 SP',
effect = 'Medium chance of Strength Bind. (1 enemy)',
['Scarecrow'] = {
cost = '8 SP',
effect = 'Medium chance of Agility Bind. (1 enemy)',
["Salome's Kiss"] = {
name = "[[Salome]]'s Kiss",
cost = '64 SP',
effect = 'High chance of Magic Bind, Strength Bind, and Agility Bind. (1 enemy)',
['Panic Circle'] = {
cost = '18 SP',
effect = 'Medium chance of Panic each turn, for 3 turns. (All enemies)',
['Sleep Circle'] = {
cost = '18 SP',
effect = 'Medium chance of Sleep each turn, for 3 turns. (All enemies)',
['Stun Circle'] = {
cost = '18 SP',
effect = 'Medium chance of Paralysis each turn, for 3 turns. (All enemies)',
['Poison Circle'] = {
cost = '18 SP',
effect = 'Medium chance of Poison each turn, for 3 turns. (All enemies)',
['Silence Circle'] = {
cost = '24 SP',
effect = 'Medium chance of Magic Bind each turn, for 3 turns. (All enemies)',
['Decay Circle'] = {
cost = '24 SP',
effect = 'Medium chance of Strength Bind each turn, for 3 turns. (All enemies)',
['Lethargy Circle'] = {
cost = '24 SP',
effect = 'Medium chance of Agility Bind each turn, for 3 turns. (All enemies)',
['Dia'] = {
cost = '6 SP',
effect = 'Slight HP restore. (1 ally)',
['Diarama'] = {
cost = '18 SP',
effect = 'Moderate HP restore. (1 ally)',
['Diarahan'] = {
cost = '36 SP',
effect = 'Full HP restore. (1 ally)',
['Media'] = {
cost = '12 SP',
effect = 'Slight HP restore. (Party)',
['Mediarama'] = {
cost = '24 SP',
effect = 'Moderate HP restore. (Party)',
['Mediarahan'] = {
cost = '42 SP',
effect = 'Full HP restore. (Party)',
['Recarm'] = {
cost = '16 SP',
effect = 'Revive, with half HP restore. (1 ally)',
['Samarecarm'] = {
cost = '34 SP',
effect = 'Revive, with full HP restore. (1 ally)',
['Healing Harp'] = { -- Orpheus Telos exclusive
cost = '68 SP',
effect = 'Restore HP and remove ailments/Binds each turn for 3 turns. (Party)',
['Patra'] = {
cost = '6 SP',
effect = 'Remove status ailments. (1 ally)',
['Mutudi'] = {
cost = '6 SP',
effect = 'Remove all Binds. (1 ally)',
['Me Patra'] = {
cost = '12 SP',
effect = 'Remove status ailments. (Party)',
['Pure Memento'] = {
cost = '18 SP',
effect = "Remove status ailments at end of each turn, for 3 turns. (User's row)",
['Free Memento'] = {
cost = '18 SP',
effect = "Remove all Binds at end of each turn, for 3 turns. (User's row)",
['Death Chaser'] = {
cost = '124 HP',
effect = "User may follow-up user's row's attacks, for 3 turns.",
['Death Counter'] = {
cost = '54 HP',
effect = "Counter-attack whenever user's row is attacked, for 3 turns.",
['Tarukaja'] = {
cost = '8 SP',
effect = 'Raise attack for 3 turns. (1 ally)',
['Rakukaja'] = {
cost = '8 SP',
effect = 'Raise defense for 3 turns. (1 ally)',
['Sukukaja'] = {
cost = '8 SP',
effect = 'Raise hit rate and evasion rate for 3 turns. (1 ally)',
['Matarukaja'] = {
cost = '18 SP',
effect = 'Raise attack for 3 turns. (Party)',
['Marakukaja'] = {
cost = '18 SP',
effect = 'Raise defense for 3 turns. (Party)',
['Masukukaja'] = {
cost = '18 SP',
effect = 'Raise hit rate and evasion rate for 3 turns. (Party)',
['Tarunda'] = {
cost = '8 SP',
effect = 'Lower attack for 3 turns. (1 enemy)',
['Rakunda'] = {
cost = '8 SP',
effect = 'Lower defense for 3 turns. (1 enemy)',
['Sukunda'] = {
cost = '8 SP',
effect = 'Lower hit rate and evasion rate for 3 turns. (1 enemy)',
['Matarunda'] = {
cost = '18 SP',
effect = 'Lower attack for 3 turns. (All enemies)',
['Marakunda'] = {
cost = '18 SP',
effect = 'Lower physical defense for 3 turns. (All enemies)',
['Masukunda'] = {
cost = '18 SP',
effect = 'Lower hit rate and evasion rate for 3 turns. (All enemies)',
['Dekaja'] = {
cost = '24 SP',
effect = 'Remove stat buffs. (All enemies)',
['Dekunda'] = {
cost = '24 SP',
effect = 'Remove stat penalties. (Party)',
['Stagnant Air'] = {
cost = '24 SP',
effect = 'Extend timers on Binds and ailments. (All enemies) [Does not stack]',
['Bestial Roar'] = {
cost = '16 SP',
effect = 'Raise physical attack and act first for 3 turns.',
['Dragon Cry'] = {
cost = '28 SP',
effect = 'Act first and greatly raise physical attack for 3 turns.',
['Shura Tensei'] = {
cost = '24 SP',
effect = 'Greatly lowers HP each turn but greatly raises attack while active.',
['Shura Revert'] = {
cost = '8 SP',
effect = 'Ends Shura Tensei, restoring moderate HP.',
['Critical Eye'] = {
cost = '28 SP',
effect = 'Raise critical hit rate for 3 turns.',
["Mind's Eye"] = {
cost = '68 SP',
effect = 'Raise critical hit rate for 3 turns. (Party)',
['Power Charge'] = {
cost = '40 SP',
effect = "Nearly triple the user's physical attack for next hit. Lasts 3 turns.",
['Mind Charge'] = {
cost = '40 SP',
effect = "Nearly triple the user's magic attack for next hit. Lasts 3 turns.",
['Pain-Eater'] = {
cost = '6 SP',
effect = 'Raise defense and chance to be targeted for 3 turns.',
['Safeguard'] = {
cost = '12 SP',
effect = 'Take attacks in place of an ally, with reduced damage. (1 ally)',
['Body Shield'] = {
cost = '18 SP',
effect = 'Take attacks in place of allies, with reduced damage. (1 row)',
['Life Wall'] = {
cost = '24 SP',
effect = 'Take attacks in place of allies, with reduced damage. (Party)',
['Fire Wall'] = {
cost = '16 SP',
effect = 'Raise Fire resistance for 3 turns. (Party)',
['Ice Wall'] = {
cost = '16 SP',
effect = 'Raise Ice resistance for 3 turns. (Party)',
['Elec Wall'] = {
cost = '16 SP',
effect = 'Raise Elec resistance for 3 turns. (Party)',
['Wind Wall'] = {
cost = '16 SP',
effect = 'Raise Wind resistance for 3 turns. (Party)',
['Light Wall'] = {
cost = '16 SP',
effect = 'Raises Light resistance for 3 turns. (Party)',
['Dark Wall'] = {
cost = '16 SP',
effect = 'Raises Darkness resistance for 3 turns. (Party)',
['Lunar Blessing'] = { -- Kaguya exclusive
cost = '87 SP',
effect = 'Nullifies 1 attack per turn, for 3 turns. (Party)',
["Demon's Cut"] = {
cost = 'Passive',
effect = 'Slightly raise Cut attack strength.',
["God's Cut"] = {
cost = 'Passive',
effect = 'Raise Cut attack strength.',
["Demon's Bash"] = {
cost = 'Passive',
effect = 'Slightly raise Bash attack strength.',
["God's Bash"] = {
cost = 'Passive',
effect = 'Raise Bash attack strength.',
["Demon's Stab"] = {
cost = 'Passive',
effect = 'Slightly raise Stab attack strength.',
["God's Stab"] = {
cost = 'Passive',
effect = 'Raise Stab attack strength.',
['Fire Boost'] = {
cost = 'Passive',
effect = 'Slightly raise Fire attack strength.',
['Fire Amp'] = {
cost = 'Passive',
effect = 'Raise Fire attack strength.',
['Ice Boost'] = {
cost = 'Passive',
effect = 'Slightly raise Ice attack strength.',
['Ice Amp'] = {
cost = 'Passive',
effect = 'Raise Ice attack strength.',
['Elec Boost'] = {
cost = 'Passive',
effect = 'Slightly raise Elec attack strength.',
['Elec Amp'] = {
cost = 'Passive',
effect = 'Raise Elec attack strength.',
['Wind Boost'] = {
cost = 'Passive',
effect = 'Slightly raise Wind attack strength.',
['Wind Amp'] = {
cost = 'Passive',
effect = 'Raise Wind attack strength.',
['Healing Hand'] = {
cost = 'Passive',
effect = 'Raise HP restored by recovery skills.',
['Impure Reach'] = {
cost = 'Passive',
effect = 'Raise chance of inflicting ailments.',
['Binding Hands'] = {
cost = 'Passive',
effect = 'Raise chance of causing Binds.',
['Lemegeton'] = {
cost = 'Passive',
effect = 'Raise power of summons in Circles.',
['Double Link'] = {
cost = 'Passive',
effect = 'Raise damage dealt with first hit and number of Links.',
['Triple Link'] = {
cost = 'Passive',
effect = 'Raise damage dealt with first hit and number of Links.',
['Quadruple Link'] = {
cost = 'Passive',
effect = 'Raise damage dealt with first hit and number of Links.',
['Infinite Link'] = {
cost = 'Passive',
effect = 'Raise damage dealt with first hit and number of Links.',
['Golden Link'] = {
cost = 'Passive',
effect = 'Link damage raises with Link number. [No effect if only 1 Link]',
['Forked Spear'] = {
cost = 'Passive',
effect = 'Medium chance of another attack after regular attack.',
['Heroic Gemini'] = {
cost = 'Passive',
effect = 'Low chance of attack skills executing twice.',
['Judgement Sword'] = {
cost = 'Passive',
effect = 'Perform a regular attack whenever a Bind is inflicted on an enemy.',
['Colossal Swing'] = {
cost = 'Passive',
effect = 'Low chance to add splash effect on single-target attack skills.',
['First Star'] = {
cost = 'Passive',
effect = 'Raise damage when attacking before all enemies act.',
['Bloody Vanguard'] = {
cost = 'Passive',
effect = 'When user attacks, allies deal more damage to that enemy that turn.',
['Rebel Spirit'] = {
cost = 'Passive',
effect = 'Slightly raise attack against enemies with higher HP.',
["Death's Scythe"] = {
cost = 'Passive',
effect = 'Greatly raise damage against enemies with status ailments.',
['Warrior Title'] = {
cost = 'Passive',
effect = 'Raise critical hit rate.',
['Punisher'] = {
cost = 'Passive',
effect = 'Raise critical hit rate verses enemies with Bind.',
['Raging Fists'] = {
cost = 'Passive',
effect = 'Raise critical hit damage.',
['Shura Instincts'] = {
cost = 'Passive',
effect = 'High chance of Shura Tensei when battle starts. [Attack up, HP down each turn]',
['Pain Watcher'] = {
cost = 'Passive',
effect = 'High chance of Pain-Eater when battle starts. [Defense up, draw enemy attacks]',
['Resist Fire'] = {
cost = 'Passive',
effect = 'Reduce damage from Fire attacks.',
['Absorb Fire'] = {
cost = ' Passive',
effect = 'Absorb damage from Fire attacks.',
['Resist Ice'] = {
cost = 'Passive',
effect = 'Reduce damage from Ice attacks.',
['Absorb Ice'] = {
cost = ' Passive',
effect = 'Absorb damage from Ice attacks.',
['Resist Elec'] = {
cost = 'Passive',
effect = 'Reduce damage from Elec attacks.',
['Absorb Elec'] = {
cost = ' Passive',
effect = 'Absorb damage from Elec attacks.',
['Resist Wind'] = {
cost = 'Passive',
effect = 'Reduce damage from Wind attacks.',
['Absorb Wind'] = {
cost = ' Passive',
effect = 'Absorb damage from Wind attacks.',
['Resist Light'] = {
cost = 'Passive',
effect = 'Reduce chance of instant kill from Light.',
['Resist Dark'] = {
cost = ' Passive',
effect = 'Reduce chance of instant kill from Darkness.',
['Null Panic'] = {
cost = 'Passive',
effect = 'Prevent Panic',
['Null Sleep'] = {
cost = 'Passive',
effect = 'Prevent Sleep',
['Null Paralysis'] = {
cost = 'Passive',
effect = 'Prevent Paralysis',
['Null Poison'] = {
cost = 'Passive',
effect = 'Prevent Poison',
['Null Curse'] = {
cost = 'Passive',
effect = 'Prevent Curse',
['Null Petrify'] = {
cost = 'Passive',
effect = 'Prevent Petrification',
['Null M-Bind'] = {
cost = 'Passive',
effect = 'Prevent Magic Bind',
['Null S-Bind'] = {
cost = 'Passive',
effect = 'Prevent Strength Bind',
['Null A-Bind'] = {
cost = 'Passive',
effect = 'Prevent Agility Bind',
['Immunity Buffer'] = {
cost = ' Passive',
effect = 'High chance of nullifying physical attacks against the user.',
['Trick Step'] = {
cost = 'Passive',
effect = 'Raise evasion rate against all attacks.',
['Return from Yomi'] = {
cost = ' Passive',
effect = "Medium chance of HP restore when the user's HP drops below 30%.",
['Endure'] = {
cost = 'Passive',
effect = 'Withstand damage that brings HP down to 0 with 1 HP',
['Circle Recovery'] = {
cost = ' Passive',
effect = 'Slight HP restore each turn. (Party) [Requires Circles]',
['Swordbreaker'] = {
cost = 'Passive',
effect = "Medium chance of halving physical damage versus the user's row.",
['Runic Shield'] = {
cost = ' Passive',
effect = "Medium chance to nullify Fire, Wind, Ice, and Elec versus the user's row.",
['Restoring Touch'] = {
cost = 'Passive',
effect = 'Greatly raise natural recovery speed from status ailments and Binds.',
['Renewal Ray'] = {
cost = '2 Gauges',
effect = '[Navi] Slight HP restore. (Party) [Only usable in combat]',
['Renewal Aura'] = {
cost = '3 Gauges',
effect = '[Navi] Moderate HP restore. (Party) [Only usable in battle]',
['Purifying Rain'] = {
cost = '2 Gauges',
effect = '[Navi] Remove all Binds and ailments. (Party)',
['Yomi Return'] = {
cost = '3 Gauges',
effect = '[Navi] Revive, with half HP restore. (1 ally)',
['Orb of Power'] = {
cost = '2 Gauges',
effect = '[Navi] Raise physical and elemental attack for 3 turns. (Party)',
['Orb of Resolve'] = {
cost = '2 Gauges',
effect = '[Navi] Raise physical and elemental defense for 3 turns. (Party)',
['Orb of Haste'] = {
cost = '2 Gauges',
effect = '[Navi] Raise hit rate and evasion rate for 3 turns. (Party)',
['Eternal Melody'] = {
cost = '3 Gauges',
effect = '[Navi] Extend stat buffs by 3 additional turns. (Party)',
['Sutakora Foot'] = {
cost = '1 Gauge',
effect = '[Navi] Attempt to escape from the battle and teleport to the entrance of the floor.',
['Heroic Wind'] = {
cost = 'Passive',
effect = '[Navi] Restore 5% of HP each turn. (Party)',
['Life Aid'] = {
cost = 'Passive',
effect = '[Navi] 20% HP restore at the end of battle. (Party)',
['Victory Cry'] = {
cost = 'Passive',
effect = '[Navi] Full HP restore at the end of battle. (Party)',
['Hunting Prayer'] = {
cost = 'Passive',
effect = '[Navi] Slightly higher rate of material drops from enemies.',
['Endless Bounty'] = {
cost = 'Passive',
effect = '[Navi] Higher rate of materials drops from enemies.',
['Snake Glare'] = {
cost = 'Passive',
effect = '[Navi] High chance of preventing preemptive attacks.',
['Alleys of Light'] = {
cost = 'Passive',
effect = '[Navi] Restore 1 HP for each step taken in a labyrinth. (Party)',
['Paths of Light'] = {
cost = 'Passive',
effect = '[Navi] Restore 2 HP for each step taken in a labyrinth. (Party)',
['Roads of Light'] = {
cost = 'Passive',
effect = '[Navi] Restore 1 SP for each step taken in a labyrinth. (Party)',
["Faerie's Vigil"] = {
cost = 'Passive',
effect = '[Navi] Reveal shortcuts within 2 squares.',
["Tengu's Vigil"] = {
cost = 'Passive',
effect = '[Navi] Reveal shortcuts within 5 squares.',
['Treasure Hunter'] = {
cost = 'Passive',
effect = '[Navi] Reveal treasure boxes within 2 squares.',
['Fortune Hunter'] = {
cost = 'Passive',
effect = '[Navi] Reveal treasure boxes within 5 squares.',
['Clairvoyance'] = {
cost = 'Passive',
effect = '[Navi] Reveal treasure boxes, [[F.O.E|FOE]]s, and shortcuts within 9 squares.',
['Farsight'] = {
cost = 'Passive',
effect = '[Navi] Reveal treasure boxes, [[F.O.E|FOE]]s, and shortcuts within 11 squares.',
['Spotter'] = {
cost = 'Passive',
effect = '[Navi] 20% higher rate of rare materials from [[Power Spot]]s.',
['Magic Mallet'] = {
cost = 'Passive',
effect = '[Navi] 40% higher rate of rare materials from [[Power Spot]]s.',
['Harvest Prayer'] = {
cost = 'Passive',
effect = '[Navi] 10% higher rate of rare materials. 15% chance to gather multiple times.',
['Cornucopia'] = {
cost = 'Passive',
effect = '[Navi] 20% higher rate of rare materials. 25% chance to gather multiple times.',
['Safety Prayer'] = {
cost = 'Passive',
effect = '[Navi] Gather somewhat safely from Power Spots.',
['Calming Lull'] = {
cost = 'Passive',
effect = '[Navi] Gather safely from Power Spots.',
-- Lucia exclusive
['Healing Breeze'] = {
cost = '1 Gauge',
effect = '[Navi] Slight HP restore at end of turn, for 3 turns. (Party)',
['Prayer'] = {
cost = '4 Gauges',
effect = '[Navi] Full HP restore and remove all Binds and ailments. (Party)',
['Healing Tide'] = {
cost = '3 Gauges',
effect = '[Navi] Moderate HP restore at end of turn, for 3 turns. (Party)',
-- Himiko exclusive
['Spotlight'] = {
cost = '1 Gauge',
effect = '[Navi] Targeted ally takes their action first.',
['Zero Set'] = {
cost = '4 Gauges',
effect = '[Navi] Skill costs are reduced to 0 for 1 turn. (Party)',
['Tidal Wave'] = {
cost = '4 Gauges',
effect = '[Navi] Allow the party to act before any enemies for the turn. (Party)',
-- Zen/Rei exclusive
['Bane Slice'] = {
cost = '10 HP',
effect = 'A light Cut attack, with medium chance of Curse. (1 enemy)',
['Hex Slice'] = {
cost = '92 HP',
effect = 'A medium Cut attack, with medium chance of Curse. (1 enemy)',
['Soul Slice'] = {
cost = '120 HP',
effect = 'A heavy Cut attack, with medium chance of Curse. (1 enemy)',
['Fire Spray'] = {
cost = '16 SP',
effect = 'A light Fire attack that splashes to either side. (1 enemy)',
['Frozen Spear'] = {
cost = '12 SP',
effect = 'A light Ice attack that pierces to the back row. (1 enemy)',
['Thunder Clap'] = {
cost = '16 SP',
effect = 'A light Elec attack. (1 row)',
['Cyclone'] = {
cost = '18 SP',
effect = '2-3 light Wind attacks against random targets. (1 row)',
['Recovery'] = {
cost = '16 SP',
effect = 'Slight HP restore. (1 row) [Only usable in battle]',
['Life Goblet'] = {
cost = '32 SP',
effect = 'Moderate HP restore. (1 row) [Only usable in battle]',
['Refresh'] = {
cost = '18 SP',
effect = 'Remove status ailments. (1 row) [Only usable in battle]',
['Becalm'] = {
cost = '18 SP',
effect = 'Remove all Binds. (1 row) [Only usable in battle]',
['Guiding Sword'] = {
cost = '16 SP',
effect = 'Raise attack for 3 turns. (1 row)',
['Guarding Staff'] = {
cost = '16 SP',
effect = 'Raise defense for 3 turns. (1 row)',
['Renewal'] = {
cost = '16 SP',
effect = 'Remove stat penalties. (1 row) [Only usable in battle]',
['Squire Card'] = {
cost = 'Passive',
effect = 'Slightly raise Fire, Ice, Wind, and Elec attack strength.',
['Knight Card'] = {
cost = 'Passive',
effect = 'Raise Fire, Ice, Wind, and Elec attack strength.',
['King Card'] = {
cost = 'Passive',
effect = 'Greatly raise Fire, Ice, Wind, and Elec attack strength.',
['Serene Journey'] = {
cost = 'Passive',
effect = 'Slight SP restore for each step taken in a labyrinth.',
['Platinum Coin'] = {
cost = 'Passive',
effect = "Medium chance to prevent all Binds and ailments against the user's row.",
-- Ultimate Persona Special Skills
['Punishment'] = { -- Artemisia
cost = '121 HP',
effect = 'A heavy Stab attack, effective on Bind, but will remove binds. (1 enemy)',
['Death Needle'] = { -- Susano-o
cost = '121 HP',
effect = 'Heavy Stab attack. Low chance of instant kill, higher with ailment. (1 enemy)',
['Amrita'] = { -- Kamui
cost = '40 SP',
effect = 'Full HP restore. Remove all Binds and status ailments. (1 Ally)',
['Debilitate'] = { -- Messiah
cost = '30 SP',
effect = 'Greatly lower attack, defense, hit, and evasion for 3 turns. (1 enemy)',
['Heat Riser'] = { -- Izanagi-no-Okami
cost = '30 SP',
effect = 'Greatly raise attack, defense, hit, and evasion for 3 turns. (1 ally)',
['Golden Gemini'] = { -- Trismegistus
cost = 'Passive',
effect = 'Medium chance of attack skills executing twice.',
['Tornado Boost'] = { -- Isis
cost = 'Passive',
effect = 'Greatly raise Wind attack strength.',
['Conqueror Title'] = { -- Caeser
cost = 'Passive',
effect = 'Greatly raise critical hit rate.',
['Aegis Shield'] = { -- Athena
cost = 'Passive',
effect = "High chance to nullify Fire, Wind, ice, and Elec versus the user's row.",
['Target Boost'] = { -- Kala-Nemi
cost = 'Passive',
effect = 'Raise damage dealt when striking weaknesses.',
['Deadly Vanguard'] = { -- Cerberus (evolved)
cost = 'Passive',
effect = 'When user attacks, allies deal even more damage to that enemy that turn.',
['Whirlwind Swing'] = { -- Castor (evolved)
cost = 'Passive',
effect = 'Medium chance to add splash effect on single-target attack skills.',
['Furious Fists'] = { -- Suzuka Gongen
cost = 'Passive',
effect = 'Greatly raise critical hit damage.',
['Inferno Boost'] = { -- Amaterasu
cost = 'Passive',
effect = 'Greatly raise Fire attack strength.',
['Uprising'] = { -- Rokuten Maou
cost = 'Passive',
effect = 'Raise attack against enemies with higher HP.',
['Powerhouse'] = { -- Yamato Takeru
cost = 'Passive',
effect = 'Raise chance of knockdown.',
['Oracle'] = { -- Juno
cost = '5 Gauges',
effect = "[Navi] Give a random beneficial effect (Party):<br> '''1.''' +50% EXP; '''2.''' Full HP restore and remove ailments;<br> '''3.''' Greatly raise Attack+Defense for 1 turn; '''4.''' Matarukaja; '''5.''' Marakukaja;",
['Into the Void'] = { -- Kanzeon
cost = '5 Gauges',
effect = '[Navi] Nullifies all damage for 1 turn. (Party)',
-- Enemy exclusive skills
['Mow Down'] = {
cost = ' - ',
effect = 'A light Cut attack. (1 row)',
['Hard Slash'] = {
cost = ' - ',
effect = 'A medium Cut attack. (1 enemy)',
['Spin Slash'] = {
cost = ' - ',
effect = 'A heavy Cut attack. (All enemies)',
['Crazed Slash'] = {
cost = ' - ',
effect = '5-7 heavy Cut attacks against random targets. (All enemies)',
['Dream Slice'] = {
cost = ' - ',
effect = 'A light Cut attack, with medium chance of Sleep. (1 enemy)',
['Drain Touch'] = {
cost = ' - ',
effect = 'A medium Bash attack. (1 enemy) Recover HP equal to damage dealt.',
['Megaton Slam'] = {
cost = ' - ',
effect = 'A heavy Bash attack. (1 enemy)',
['Megaton Press'] = {
cost = ' - ',
effect = 'A heavy Bash attack, with medium chance of knockdown. (1 enemy)',
['Rampage'] = {
cost = ' - ',
effect = 'A heavy Bash attack. (All enemies)',
['Stab Shower'] = {
cost = ' - ',
effect = '3 light Stab attacks against random targets. (1 row)',
['Lunge'] = {
cost = ' - ',
effect = 'A heavy Stab attack. (1 enemy)',
['Torrent Shot'] = {
cost = ' - ',
effect = 'A heavy Stab attack. (All enemies)',
['Charge Shot'] = {
cost = ' - ',
effect = 'A severe Stab attack that pierces to the back row. (1 enemy)',
['Thorn Chains'] = {
cost = ' - ',
effect = 'A light Stab attack, with medium chance of Magic Bind. (1 enemy)',
['Thorn Cuffs'] = {
cost = ' - ',
effect = 'A light Stab attack, with medium chance of Strength Bind. (1 enemy)',
['Thorn Shackles'] = {
cost = ' - ',
effect = 'A light Stab attack, with medium chance of Agility Bind. (1 enemy)',
['Self-Destruct'] = {
cost = ' - ',
effect = 'A medium Almighty attack. (All enemies)',
['Fire Dance'] = {
cost = ' - ',
effect = 'A light Fire attack that splashes to either side. (1 enemy)',
['Ice Dance'] = {
cost = ' - ',
effect = 'An Ice attack that pierces to the back row. (1 Enemy)',
['Elec Dance'] = {
cost = ' - ',
effect = 'A light Elec attack. (1 Row)',
['Wind Dance'] = {
cost = ' - ',
effect = '2-4 light Wind attacks against random targets. (1 row)',
['Stona'] = {
cost = ' - ',
effect = 'Medium chance of Petrification. (1 enemy)',
['Stone Mist'] = {
cost = ' - ',
effect = 'Medium chance of Petrification. (1 row)',
['Silent Song'] = {
cost = ' - ',
effect = 'Medium chance of Magic Bind. (All enemies)',
['Muscle Down'] = {
cost = ' - ',
effect = 'Medium chance of Strength Bind. (All enemies)',
['Spiderweb'] = {
cost = ' - ',
effect = 'Medium chance of Agility Bind. (All enemies)',
['Deafening Roar'] = {
cost = ' - ',
effect = 'A high chance of knockdown. (All enemies)',
['Fire Corrosion'] = {
cost = ' - ',
effect = 'Lower Fire resistance for 3 turns. (All enemies)',
['Ice Corrosion'] = {
cost = ' - ',
effect = 'Lower Ice resistance for 3 turns. (All enemies)',
['Elec Corrosion'] = {
cost = ' - ',
effect = 'Lower Elec resistance for 3 turns. (All enemies)',
['Wind Corrosion'] = {
cost = ' - ',
effect = 'Lower Wind resistance for 3 turns. (All enemies)',
['Summon Soldier'] = { -- Queen of Hearts exclusive
cost = ' - ',
effect = 'Summon [[Card Soldier Shadows|Card Soldiers]] and step back.',
['Vow'] = { -- Merciful Clergyman exclusive
cost = ' - ',
effect = 'Forbid an action-type.',
['Holy Wrath'] = { -- Merciful Clergyman exclusive
cost = ' - ',
effect = 'Heavy damage, with Magic, Strength, and Agility Binds, on Vow Breakers',
['Drastic Measure'] = { -- Kind Doctor exclusive
cost = ' - ',
effect = '5 medium Bash attacks against random targets. (All enemies)',
["Rabbit's Foot"] = { -- Best Friend exclusive
cost = ' - ',
effect = '10 light Bash attacks at random, with low accuracy. (All enemies)',
-- Clockwork God exclusive
['Gears of Time'] = {
cost = ' - ',
effect = 'A countdown to death.',
['Time Warp'] = {
cost = ' - ',
effect = 'Hasten the Gears of Time countdown.',
['Time Stop'] = {
cost = ' - ',
effect = 'Act up to four times on the turn used.',
['Time Reversal'] = {
cost = ' - ',
effect = 'Full HP restore. Removes stat penalties. (Self)',
local aliases = {
-- 名稱變體
[""] = "",
return {
skills = skills,
aliases = aliases,