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“ | 呃,朋友啊,你死的真慘啊。但是,我,呃,你知道,我,我不覺得這真的那麼糟糕。 | ” |
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基本資料 | |
本名 | 河馬先生 |
別號 | 河馬、河馬史詩、河馬仙聲 |
瞳色 | 藍瞳 |
身高 | 不知 |
體重 | 不知 |
聲優 | Joe Gaudet |
萌點 | 話癆、成熟、花、哲學、動物、河馬、廢話、心靈雞湯 |
活動範圍 | Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria Simulator |
所屬團體 | Freddy Fazbear's Entertainment |
個人狀態 | 被燒毀,靈魂不知。 |
種族 | 機器河馬 |
親屬或相關人 | |
朋友:大象奧維爾 |
河馬先生(英文:Mr.Hippo)是由Scott Cawthon所創作/製作的《Five Nights at Freddy's》及其衍生作品的登場角色。
Mr.Hippo在FFPS並不是一位敵人,但他可以在"Stan's Budget Tech"中用190美元購買。
UCN:和其他電氣玩偶一樣,他會從Air Duct系統進攻,玩家需要在管道放置音頻陷阱讓他不進入辦公室或使用加熱器把他趕回起點。
故事1(長文警告) |
My friend, you have met a terrible, terrible demise. But, i, uh, y'know, I-I-I don't feel too bad about it. After all, if it weren't for me it would've just been from someone else, y'know? I guess what I'm trying to say is life - life goes on. Well... Well for everyone else life goes on. Not - not for you.. uh.. You're dead. That's neither here nor there. 朋友啊,你死的真慘啊。但是,我,呃,我不覺得這那麼差。不管怎麼說,如果不是我,反正你也會死在其他玩偶手裡,不是嗎?50/20模式裡面被這傢伙跳嚇的玩家震怒我想我能說的只有生活——生活是一直持續下去的。嗯...至少對於你以外的其他人生活還在持續。我不是對你說的,你已經死了。對你來說我說的話可能沒啥意義。 It reminds me of one summer day in the park. I was having just a delightful picnic with my good friend Orville, and I said to him - I said "Orville, I-I have a story." And he said to me "What's the significance of the story?" and... I said to him "O-Orville, not every story has to have significance, y'know? Sometimes, uh, y'know, sometimes a story is just a story. You try to read into every little thing and find meaning in everything anyone says you'll just drive yourself crazy." 這讓我想起來在公園玩的一個夏天。我正和我的好朋友奧維爾一起野餐,然後我跟他說「奧維爾,我有個故事講給你聽」。然後他回答我說「你要講的那個故事有什麼意義嗎?」一語中的然後...我對他說「奧維爾,不是所有故事都要有意義,你知道嗎?有的時候,故事只是故事而已。如果別人跟你講的每一件小事你都去想那是什麼意思的話,你會瘋的。」 Had a friend do it once - Wasn't pretty. We talked about it for years. And not only that, but you'll likely end up believing something you shouldn't believe, thinking something you shouldn't think, o-or assuming something you shouldn't assume, y'know? Sometimes I said "A story is-is just a story, so just be quiet for one second in life and eat your sandwich, okay?" 我之前有個朋友就這樣,結果就不太好。我們對這事討論了幾年。然後不只是那個,你還喜歡相信一些你不應該相信的東西,想一些你不該想的事情,或者推測一些你不該推測的事實,不是嗎?有時候我說「故事只是故事而已,所以就稍稍靜一靜然後吃你的三明治吧,好嗎?」 Of course, it was only then I realized I'd made sandwiches. Poor Orville was... having such difficulty eating it. Elephants have those clumsy hands, y'know? Actually, I-I suppose that's the problem. They don't have hands at all, do they? The-they're all feet! An-I-I couldn't imagine someone asking me to eat a sandwich with my feet. 當然,那時候我才發現我做了三明治。可憐的奧維爾他吃起來挺麻煩的。大象不怎麼會用手,你知道嗎?我覺得那應該是問題所在。他們根本就沒有手。他們有嗎?他四肢不都是腳嗎!我可不能想像有人跟我說讓我用腳去吃三明治。 Now, if I recall correctly there was a bakery nearby. I said to him, "Orville, let me go get you some rye bread." Now, I-I'm unsure if elephants enjoy rye bread, but I assure you that Orville does. Now this was on a Tuesday, which was good because rye bread was always fresh on Tuesday. They made sourdough bread on Monday, and threw it out Wednesday... or rather they sold it at a discount for people wanting to feed the ducks, and probably at the end of the day finally they threw it all out - I don't recall. 如果我記得沒錯的話,周圍有家麵包店。我就跟他說:「奧維爾,我去給你買點黑麵包吧。」我也不知道大象喜不喜歡黑麥麵包,但是我敢肯定奧維爾喜歡。那天是週二,正好很不錯,因為黑麵包都是在週二新鮮出爐的。他們在週一做發酵麵包,週三就丟掉...或者打折賣給那些想用麵包餵鴨子的人,然後那天晚上他們把剩下的丟掉之類的——具體的我也不太記得。 I do remember a man who would bring his son to the bakery every Wednesday and go feed the ducks. He would buy all of the sourdough bread. Of course, y'know, you're not supposed to feed the ducks sourdough bread at all. It swells up in their stomach and then they all die. At, uh.. at least... at least that's what I've heard. Y'know I-I never saw any ducks die myself, but I did notice a substantial decrease in the duck population over the course of a few years. I just never thought to stop the man and tell him that he was killing the ducks by feeding them sourdough bread! And if you want my opinion on the matter, heh - and I told Orville this as well - "if you wanna feed ducks, or birds, or any kind for that matter, it's best to buy seed." 我記得有個人每週三都帶著他的兒子來麵包店買麵包去餵鴨子。他每都把發酵麵包買光。當然,你不應該用發酵麵包去餵鴨子。它們會把這些麵包囫圇吞下去,然後噎死。呃,至少我是這麼聽說的。我從來沒見過鴨子死,但是我注意到了鴨子的數量在大量減少。我從來都沒想過去找那個人跟他說他餵給鴨子麵包是在害死鴨子!至少我的意見是這樣,嘿。然後我跟奧維爾說:「如果你想去餵鴨子,或者任何鳥類,最好去買種子。」 I mean, when you think about it, breads of any sort don't occur in nature. They don't grow on trees, or spring up from the bushes. I don't think birds know what to do with bread. What was I saying? Oh-oh, yes yes. So I Bought Orville some rye bread. What a fine day it was. 我的意思是說,好好想想的話,麵包也不是天然的食物。他們不是樹上的果實麵包樹,也不是灌木叢上結出來的。我感覺鳥應該不知道怎麼吃麵包。你說我到底想說什麼?哦,是的。所以我給奧維爾買了黑麵包,多美妙的一天啊。 |
故事2(長文警告) |
well... It seems that your journey has ended. Very sorry about that - It Was always going to end this way, of course. If it weren't by me, it would've just been by some other.. y'know, terrible thing just... You could not imagine how terrible it would be. Just... I get scared thinking about it! Glad it's not me. 唉...看起來你的人生旅途結束了。非常抱歉,但不管是誰,人生都得這樣結束。如果不是我,那也會有其他的方式結束...就像剛才結束你生命的那樣的...你無法想像那是多麼的恐怖。我真的想想都害怕!謝天謝地剛才那不是我死。 Reminds me of a.. of a time I was speaking to my good friend Orville. We were... we were sitting on a park bench watching the pigeons. I was on the left, he was on the... oh wait. Was I on the right?.. or left? Anyways, it doesn't matter. We were sitting on there, watching the pigeons, and I.. uh.. I said to Orville "Friend, those birds are frozen!" He... Kinda looked at me like I'd lost my mind. But I reminded him that it was winter, y'know? And often birds will sit in a tree until they'd freeze... Then they'd, they'd, you know, sort of fall to the ground until the sun warms up, an- and they can, y'know, move around again. 這讓我想起我之前和我好朋友奧維爾說話的時候。我們在公園的長椅上坐著,看著周圍的鴿子。我坐在椅子的左邊,他坐在...等等。當時是我坐在右邊嗎?還是我坐在左邊?無所謂了。我們坐在那,看著周圍的鴿子,然後我跟奧維爾說:「嘿,夥計,那些鳥都凍僵了!」他像看傻子一樣看著我,然後我跟他強調現在是冬天,很多時候鳥坐在樹上坐著坐著就凍僵了...然後它們會掉在地上直到太陽升起溫暖它們,然後它們才能繼續動。 So I said to Orville "You'd might as well save those breadcrumbs until the birds thaw, because they can't very well enjoy them in the condition they're in." To which he asked what I meant, and asking what condition the crumbs should be in before he threw them to the birds, assuming that I had meant the birds couldn't enjoy the breadcrumbs in the condition that the crumbs were in, when in fact I had meant the birds couldn't enjoy them in the condition that the birds were in, considering the birds were frozen, y'know? 所以我就跟奧維爾說,「你最好把麵包屑留到它們能動的時候,現在你給它們它們也吃不到」。然後他問我「你這話什麼意思」,然後問我那麵包屑應該以什麼狀態丟給鳥兒,因為你說鳥兒無法享受麵包屑現在的狀態。然而我想說的是它們不能吃麵包屑是因為鳥兒自己的狀態,畢竟它們都凍僵了。 So he took a moment and then threw his last handful onto the ground. I said to him "Orville, why did you throw the breadcrumbs to the birds when I just told you they're frozen?" To which he responded "The breadcrumbs are not frozen," again misunderstanding my words. I didn't mean to say that the breadcrumbs were frozen when I told you they're frozen. I've been referring to the birds. 他等了一會之後就把他最後一把麵包屑丟到了地上。我對他說:「奧維爾,為什麼你還丟麵包屑給它們,我都說了它們凍僵了。」然後他回答我說「但是麵包屑沒凍住啊。」他又沒理解對,我說凍住又沒不是指麵包屑凍住了,我說的是鳥。 You know, in hindsight, what I - what I should've said was - and this would make perfect sense: "Why did you throw the breadcrumbs to the birds when the birds are frozen?" He misunderstood upon my correction, stating that he didn't know what else to do with the breadcrumbs, and that perhaps, y'know, when the birds thawed they'd still be able to eat the crumbs. So I...I..I said to Orville - I said - This is what I said to him - I said "Orville, the birds maybe dead." 後來我才發覺我當時就應該說「為什麼你在鳥凍僵的時候還給它們扔麵包屑?」。他連這個都聽錯了,跟我說他也不知道那麵包屑還能幹什麼,但是有可能那些鳥融化之後還能去吃那些麵包屑。所以,嗯,我跟奧維爾說,我就是這麼對他說的:「奧維爾,那些鳥可能已經凍死了。」 |
故事3(長文警告) |
It seems that you've met your end. what a pity. You know, I-I don't feel too bad about it, though. After all, If it weren't me, It would have just been one of the others, I guess. I'm honestly just glad to be out of those air ducts, you know? It-It's not easy for a Hippopotamus to fit up there, and not easy to get down either. I'm not as young as I used to be, as you can see. I used to be able to do all sorts of things. You're young, you're vibrant, you have that sort of pep in your step. It reminds me of a conversation I was having with one of my good friends, Orville. We were having a nice picnic. I believe it was summerl- no...perhaps it was...was it the fall? Yes, yes, yes, it was the fall because the leaves had turned already but I said to Orville, I says "Orville, I have a story to tell you", and Orville, he looked at me kinda odd, and-and said "What's it about?", I said "Not every story has to be about something, Orville, sometimes a person just wants to talk. Why does Everything to be a story?" I said to him. He just looked at me and he said "Well, you-you said you had a story" and you know, he was quite right. I did, in fact. I told him I had a story. I suppose if a person wants to talk, then it's best to not announce that you're telling a story. Telling a story does come with its own pressures and expectations, I-I suppose. After all, If you're just talking to a friend, then, there's no more expectations, than if you were talking into the wind! words by themselves aren't expected to carry, aren't expected to stick.but if you know if you announce you're telling a story, well, then there'd better be a point to it all, you know? No one wants to listen to someone ramble on and on and on, with absolutely no end in sight, so, you know, It's good to be mindful that when you tell someone that you're about to tell a story, that you have something to say. telling someone that you're gonna tell them a story is tantamount to asking them to stop what they're doing and-and pay attention. you're basically sayin' "Hey! Hey! Hey, buddy, stop everything, stop what you're thinking, I have a solution to everything!" and well, I didn't really have a story to tell. In hindsight, I probably just misspoke when I said I had a story. I think It would have just been better to tell Orville that I wanted to tell him something rather than tell him I had a story, but you know, even then it might have put too much importance on the whole thing. either way, It was quite a nice day. I remember-I remember that we were drinking tea.
故事4(長文警告) |
It seems that you have met a horrible demise, my friend. But uh, you know, these… these things happen and... and life... life goes on. N-not for you, obviously, uh, you're dead, but uh, it reminds me of a time I was having a conversation with my friend Orville. We were, uh, where were we? We were by the... the river, we were sitting by the river and watching the fish leap over the falls and uh, I said to Orville "You know, sometimes I feel like a fish leaping over and over again, always trying to get somewhere. Though, I don't know where only to find myself in the jaws of a beast." He, of course, looked at me surprised, you know? "Have you been in the jaws of a beast, friend?" To which I said, "No, of course not Orville". I said, "No no no, I... I simply meant that life can seem like a relentless endeavor to overcome meaningless obstacles, only to meet an equally meaningless fate regardless of your efforts, regardless of the obstacles you passed. And, uh, Orville he... he stood and proceeded to drape me with a picnic cloth, to which I... I asked him, I said, 'Friend, what... what are ya doing?" He looked at me very concerned really. "I feel like you've gotten too much sun". Indeed, heh, indeed I had. He proceeded to pour me a glass of just... ice cold lemonade. Ooh, you ever mix it with iced tea? Ya do, like... half lemonade ha... ooh, you should try it so well, you can't, because you're dead, but, anyways, so you may be asking yourself, "How did I go from sitting by the falls and drinking lemonade to being wedged in the air duct, not only with Orville, but with an entire assortment of fruity-colored friends?" Well, there's uh... there's really no good answer to that, but... perhaps I met a demise of my own at some point and... this is my afterlife or my dream or whatever it might mean, I... I honestly don't know. Or... maybe it doesn't mean anything at all. Maybe it doesn't mean anything at all...
- UCN別被這貨跳嚇!不然你就得被強行聽河馬講故事,退出再進還要重聽
- 他的
廢話演講貌似是在推翻遊戲理論家matpat的理論。 - 在FNaF3的最終迷你遊戲「Happiest Day」中,在左側有戴著河馬面具的小孩。可能暗示著他體內也有威廉的受害者之一的靈魂。
- 但是Happiest Day這個迷你遊戲本身就代表著「玩偶的靈魂解放,昇天」,因此可能河馬體內的孩子靈魂已經早就解放了,這個河馬先生像FFPS的搖滾明星弗雷迪一樣只是以原版玩偶為原型的純AI玩偶。