we are ST//RAYRIDE C'mon
we are ST//RAYRIDE C'mon
Just coming up さあ、始めようか 新たなる航海
Just coming up 來 開始吧 新的遠航
誰も俺らを止められない We'll not muck it up
誰都無法阻止我們 We'll not muck it up
That's good enough もう數え切れない位の Deadline
That's good enough 已有數不清的Deadline
潛ってきた もう敵はいなかった 今はただ 前へ前へ
潛入其中 早無人能敵 現在只需一心向前
No more 黙って見てな 笑いたきゃ笑えばいい
No more 閉嘴瞧著 想笑就笑吧
Everything will be all right
Everything will be all right
Follow me, just go for life
Follow me, just go for life
Raise our noble pride and grab the light
Raise our noble pride and grab the light
We are mighty pirates
We are mighty pirates
Everything will be all right
Everything will be all right
Follow me, just go to
Follow me, just go to
Get down, get down
Get down, get down
Get down, get down
Get down, get down
brace yourself now
brace yourself now
Devote your voice 敗れた數流した涙が
Devote your voice 伴隨敗北流下的淚水
Like a Leviathan 華麗に泳ぎ切って見せるよ
Like a Leviathan 就優雅地從中游過
Dead or comrade
Dead or comrade
沒有變化的每天 難免讓人厭倦吧?
今直ぐ board on もう無問題
現在就登船 已經準備萬全
暗い時代 闇を穿つ 地図に無いその先へいざ進まん come on
黑暗的時代 穿過陰霾 向著地圖上沒有的遠方前進 come on
Devote your voice 行き場も無く隠した怒りに
Devote your voice 將那無處發洩的憤怒
そうさ 掲げよう きっと道標になるだろう
然後高高舉起 一定會成為路標
追い風が吹く No pain, no gain
逆風吹拂 No pain, no gain
Everything will be alright
Everything will be alright
Follow me, just go for life
Follow me, just go for life
Raise our noble pride and grab the light
Raise our noble pride and grab the light
We are mighty pirates
We are mighty pirates
Everything will be alright
Everything will be alright
Follow me, just go to
Follow me, just go to
Get down, get down
Get down, get down
Devote your voice 敗れた數流した涙が
Devote your voice 伴隨敗北流下的淚水
Like a Leviathan 華麗に泳ぎ切って見せるよ
Like a Leviathan 就優雅地從中游過
Dead or comrade
Dead or comrade
Dead or comrade
Dead or comrade
Dead or comrade
Dead or comrade